1.AC withstanding voltage tester Introduction Withstand voltage tester is an ac high voltage safety measurement instrument, widely used in electronic instruments, electronic equipment, electronic components, electrical equipment, bakelite appliances, rubber, high voltage cable and motor withstand voltage test, also applicable to household appliances withstand voltage test.
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II. AC withstand voltage tester Working Principle
III. HM2670 AC hipot testermain technical parameter
1.Testing voltage: AC:0~10(kV). 2.Accuracy of testing voltage:AC:1~10(kV)±5%. 3.Output power:500VA 4.Leakage current range:0~50(mA). 5.Leakage current setting value: AC: 0~50(mA). 6.Leakage current setting accuracy:0.2~50(mA)±5%. Resolution:0~19.99mA 0.01mA 20~49.9mA 0.1mA 7.Timing: 1~99(s)±5% manual∞freely adjustable. 8.Power source: AC 220V±22V;50Hz±2Hz. 9.Environment:RH:≤75%RH;Temperature:0ºC~40ºC. There is no strong electromagnetic interference source around, no large amount of dust and corrosive gas, good ventilation. 10.Power loss:quiescent power drain<30VA